Thursday, March 5, 2020

Learn Maths Online with These Resources

Learn Maths Online with These Resources Let the Internet be Your Online Maths Tutor ChaptersBeing Critical of Your Maths ResourcesOnline Maths Resources: Advice from a Maths TutorTake Your Learning FurtherMaths Video TutorialsThe Relationship Between Online Resources and Formal EducationAccording to a study by the French organisation, INSEE, around 86% of young people between the ages of 15 and 29 use the internet  on a daily basis.This statistic is hardly surprising as we become more and more dependent on technology.What is remarkable, however, is the change in opinion toward the usefulness of the world wide web. The same survey found that only 27% of those who did not use the internet said it was because they did not find it useful, compared to 50% in 2008.This marks the true scale of the digital revolution we are experiencing, where the internet will continue to grow as it gains more relevance in people's lives.Of course, we should not ignore the way in which this tool is used. The INSEE tells us that in 2010, around 70% of the same age group had used the interne t in the last three months for the sole purpose of learning and enriching their knowledge.Why Not Mix the Useful With the Enjoyable When it Comes to Maths?The era when the internet served only to distract has come to an end.Now, the nature of the world wide web  has inspired developers and educators, as they see people searching for answers to their maths questions and using it to widen their knowledge.The Internet: a tool with infinite uses ¦ source: Pixabay - twinquinn84In addition to the recent interest in the internet as a tool, school pupils and university students need to find out how they can use it as an effective means of remedying their personal difficulties in maths through interactive games and tutorials, for example.Students can find free online math help relating to math problems about triangles, trigonometry, Pythagorean Theorem, algebra, geometry, area and volume, graphing, probability and statistics, turning fractions into a decimal, and polynomial functions, for e xample.The internet can be particularly  useful for math lessons in either delivering them or providing access to revision materials. Online tutors make a living on the internet, advising students in the run up to exams and giving them tips on how to not fall into traps placed in maths test papers. MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBeing Critical of Your Maths ResourcesFinding Maths Worksheets and Maths Tutorials OnlineT he internet is bursting with maths websites dedicated to providing revision and learning material in the form of math worksheets and solutions.If you're looking for step-by-step guides to certain topics, have a look at BBC Bitesize maths. BBC maths  has useful resources for learners from all parts of the UK, including learner guides with 'class clips' (video tutorials to walk yo through solutions).There are online resources for every level. From getting used to counting along the number line and adding and subtracting to long division, algebraic equations and even advanced math concepts such as pre calculus, finding the integral and differential equations, there is something for everyone.If you're preparing to sit GCSE, AS or A Level exams, it's very easy to find PDF files of past exam papers from specific exam boards for different levels of qualification with a simple search.Be careful that you don't get distract by the bright colours and appeal of some of these types of websites, though. Whilst playing online math games can be an incredibly effective way of learning and testing your knowledge of maths concepts, they carry the risk of becoming distracting and actually counter-productive in some cases.Maths Exercises with Answer Sheets OnlineWithout answers, what would be the point of exercises and worksheets?Of course, it is important to verify that you have arrived  at the correct answer to the question, but you must be critical of the available resources.What if your answer is incorrect? A useful answer sheet will not just have what the correct final answer is supposed to be, but, just as maths students are requested to do in tests and math quiz questions, they should show their working.Developing good mathematical and problem solving skills is all about trial and error and revisiting your mistakes to learn from them.Understanding where you went wrong is the first step to finding the correct solution and setting yourself up for success in the future.There i s also value in the variation of different exercises. Redoing the same kind of questions over and over again can be useful to begin with, but this method is not so effective when it comes to revision as there is a risk of predictability.There is value in making mistakes, but only if you understand why you made them ¦ source: Pixabay - NOSTIf you're serious about developing advanced math skills, you need to catch yourself off-guard. Try to find questions which are presented differently to how you are used to, or make yourself a compilation worksheet from all kinds of mathematical topics.The greater the heterogeneity of training, the better the learning of mathematics. In other words, by working through diversified exercises, the student will improve their level of competency and therefore increase their chances of maths mastery.The internet offers a vast amount of exercises which can offer refreshment from the limited resources of the classroom as they move away from textbooks. Only having access to revision materials prescribed by their maths teacher can leave pupils feeling unprepared for exams.Online Maths Resources: Advice from a Maths TutorTaking maths lessons online or following math courses are excellent ways to teach yourself maths.The reasons why people choose to follow these online maths courses vary from person to person, but sometimes, schools and colleges fail  to provide sufficient support for students, which leaves them behind the math curriculum and sometimes even behind their peers.Due to the often fast-paced nature and one-size-fits-all approach to classroom teaching, this kind of damage is difficult to repair.Address your maths problems with the help of the internet ¦ source: Pixabay - janeb13This is where online study comes in. Supplemental instruction from an online study programme or one on one online maths tutoring can bridge this gap and provide the necessary support on the way to academic success.One to one tutoring is particularly us eful for homework help and offering alternative teaching methods as well as different explanations to those of school math teachers. Learners can benefit from seeing a math problem from a different perspective that suits their way of thinking and a maths tutor use the strengths and weaknesses of the learner to provide tailored support.Avoiding repetition is particularly important when it comes to learning. Although this is difficult to do when it comes to topics like multiplication and division or addition and subtraction, what makes maths an attractive subject to learn is that is can be learnt by many different methods. So if you don't like the method the teacher uses, you can find an alternative one, or simply attempt questions of a different style out of curiosity!When it comes to learning online without private maths tuition, students may find a website that suits their specific learning strategies and choose to use this alongside their studies.Keeping the subject interesting an d exciting is key to learning success.Remember that you must be critical about your resources. Don't solely rely on a website or programme you find since this risks missing valuable content that may pop up on the exam. MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsTake Your Learning FurtherThanks to the wonders of the world wide web, students are free to access as many resources as they please. This includes small children who wish to practice maths through playing online maths games and A Level maths students looking for solutions to past exam papers.Smartphones and tablets are in the hands of every teenager and they are fantastic for maths practice. There are also many free apps designed to help students prepare for exams.These apps offer maths revision games for kids as well as maths quiz questions and maths tests to track progress.Having a way to learn math topics on the bus or while in a waiting room can be a fantastic way to revise maths.Getting in that extra bit of math practice without the heavy textbooks can lead to a greater fluency in maths and reasoning as students can practice everything from basic math such as arithmetic, rounding and estimation to more advanced concepts including quadratic equations and vectors.Find out about mathematical vocabulary and how integers are the same thing as whole numbers or scientific notation.Again, students should be wary of any national curriculum topics which m ay be missing from these websites or apps.Thankfully, many of these online resources cater for specific exam boards. So whether you're preparing for an AQA A Level maths exam or the Edexcel GCSE maths higher paper, you can feel free to become a true mathematician through practicing your maths skills and broaden  your understanding on-the-go.Maths Video TutorialsAnother relatively recent development in the world of revision materials, video tutorials from maths teachers on Youtube are increasingly popular among students looking for maths help.Certified teachers such as Mr Hegarty and Mr Barton  (who also has materials for teachers) upload math videos of themselves working through maths problems at an easy pace, explaining every step along the way.This type of learning is particularly attractive to those who prefer to watch and listen rather than read from a textbook. Also unlike the textbook approach, Youtube channels can be updated with new content responding to comments from subscr ibers.Perhaps interactive learning owes its success to the involvement of learners in their own progress by facilitating an exchange between student and educator or technology.Maths videos act like a second math lesson on top of what has been taught in the classroom. Learners can pause, rewind and fast forward parts of the question according to their understanding - this makes for a nearly personalised approach to learning which motivates the student.However, as always, be critical! Don't settle for a math teacher or Youtuber you find boring just because they cover the right topics - engagement is key!The Relationship Between Online Resources and Formal EducationThe internet is undoubtedly a fantastic tool for finding a varied and relevant selection of learning resources.It can be used to download worksheets, play interactive math games online, answer maths quizzes and find answers to maths past papers from various exam boards.The tools you need to help you while you're learning mat h are at your fingertips. Play math games such as Sushi Monster and learn to multiply as you lay the foundations for understanding square roots and how to divide. Learn about math and its applications by attempting world problems, or even find yourself a math tutor to help improve your number sense.Head to Youtube and learn about math for your upcoming exams. Solve problems with a teacher before looking straight at the answers.This impressive range of uses demonstrates the way in which new technology can open up a new world of learning to students.But although fun maths games like math puzzles and video lessons on Youtube can provide excellent support alongside classroom teaching, it should not be used to replace it.By solely relying on online math resources, you could run the risk of missing out on important course content which is critical to an exam, or misusing your time to learn about maths concepts which do not feature on the curriculum.Going beyond formal mathematics educatio n can be interesting and shows dedication, but be careful to dedicate enough time to what you're being taught in class to ensure the best learning experience.

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